Besides creating I am offering various learning options for aspiring producers, enthusiastic musicians and everybody that is searching for that extra bit of knowledge and wisdom to get to a higher level of performance. You can find all available learning options here!
A masterclass tends to focus on the finer details of a piece of work, such as composing, producing, remixing, engineering or mastering by working with professionals. More information
A course tends to focus on creating your own track or improving it. The are three types of courses: Basic, Advanced and Extended. More information
Workshops tend to focus on one of the creating subjects of a track. Workshops that are available currently: Composing, Producing 1 & 2, Engineering, Mastering and (Re)mixing. More information
Feedback & Clinic
A Feedback session starts basically with 1 hour feedback (advice) at the main points on the track. A Clinic session tends to focus on improving your individual skills by (re)designing your track in collaboration with Dennis Waakop Reijers. More information
Guiding will bring you to a higher level: individual, technical, creative and performing. Guiding tends to focus on a specific case (A track for example) or an advice in general (From Composing to Performing). More information